Report on the Demographic Effects on Civic Engagement and Voter Education

Analysis/Publications/Products, Strengthened Institutions Conduct Fair and Efficient Election Process, Events

From 15 – 23 September 2021, a series of events took place to present the findings of the Report on the Demographic Effects on Civic Engagement and Voter Education.

This Report is the result of rigorous evidence-based research that provides unique respondent data and insights into the priorities, confinements, and responsiveness to motivational stimuli of 13 demographic profiles of voters. It includes a wide spectrum of recommendations for each of the analysed demographic profiles with regards to modalities of civic education, raising awareness of the importance of the election process, choice of media, tools and channels for communication and types of messages.

Stakeholders that deal with civic and voter education may use the findings and recommendations of the Report, which are aimed to help enhance the effectiveness and efficacy of voter and civic education campaigns, as well as to provide alternative modalities for increased voter engagement.

Download the Report in full:

ENG Demographic Effects on Civic Engagement and Voter Education in North Macedonia

MK Влијанието на демографските фактори врз учеството на граѓаните во јавниот живот и едукацијата на гласачите во Северна Македонија

ALB Efektet demografike në angazhimin qytetar dhe edukimin e votuesve në Maqedoninë e Veirut

Поглавја Демографски профили
Општ преглед Општ преглед
Теми на интерес Урбано население
Извори на информации Рурално население
Граѓанско учество Млади
Изборен Процес Лица што гласаат првпат
Комуникација со кандидати и партии Млади од рурални области
Бариери Жени
Препораки Жени од рурални области
Лица со попреченост
Лица од оддалечени заедници
Многу сиромашни лица
Долгорочно невработени лица
Други етнички заедници
Chapters Demographic Profiles
Overview Overview
Topics of interest Urban Population
Information Sources Rural Population
Civic Participation Youth
Election Process First Time Voters
Communication with Candidates
and Parties
Rural Youth
Barriers Women
Recommendations Rural Women
Persons with Disabilities
Remote Communities
Very Poor
Chronically Unemployed
Other Ethnic Communities
Kapitulli Profile demografike
Pasqyra e përgjitshme Pasqyra e përgjitshme
Temat e Interesit Popullsia urbane
Burimet e Informacionit Popullsia rurale
Pjesemarrja Qytetare Rinia
Procesi Zgjedhor Votuesit për herë të parë
Komunikimit me kandidatët dhe partitë Të rinjtë nga zonat rurale
Barrierat Gratë
Rekomandime Gratë nga zonat rurale
Personat me aftësi të kufizuara
Persona nga komunitetet e largëta
Persona shumë të varfër
Të papunë kronikisht
Bashkësitë e tjera etnike