CED Tearce: Youth from Tetovo to detect and report environmental polluters

Innovative Initiatives - Community mobilizers, Community Mobilizers, Workshops and trainings

21 young people from Tetovo participated at the one-day training for youth activism that was organized by the Centre for Education and Development (CED). The training took place on 27.12.2022 at the conference hall of RCSOO Mosha Pijade as part of the project “Active Youth via a Transparent Municipality”. It enabled the young people to improve their skills in detecting and reporting environment polluters.

The idea about the training was to stimulate youth activism from environmental aspect. The young people were invited to detect the environment polluters in the next two months and report them at the official web page of the Municipality of Tetovo – Tetovo Eco Report, or Е-report. The organizers expect that the official environmental institutions will react to the reports.

“The training enabled us to become better acquainted with the youth activism techniques, be more aware about from the environmental aspect and be conscious citizens”, stressed Festina Mustafa, community mobiliser. “Detecting and reporting the potential polluters is really important, not only for us, but also for the whole city. The awareness for ecologically clean environment has to start with us”, said Muhamet Useini, participant at the training.

The Centre for Education and Development will continue with its activities after the detection of the polluters; it is expected that they are part of the exhibition so that it is publicly shown who the main polluters of the Municipality of Tetovo are.

The implementation of this training is enabled by the project Support to Electoral Reforms in North Macedonia of the Swiss Government, implemented by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (ИФЕС), while the grants are administered by the Macedonian Center for International Support (MCIC).