I. Status of the monitored item
50 %Yes
30 %Nо
20 %Not applicable
70 %Yes
30 %Nо
10 %Not applicable
60 %Yes
40 %Nо
0 %Not applicable
Monitoring criteria Status 1.1 A decision has been reached to start the implementation of the monitored item 1.6 The municipality is implementing specific activities from the implementation plan 1.7 Initial results from implementation of the monitored item are visible -
II. Transparency and accountability of the municipality related to the monitored item
30 %Yes
70 %Nо
0 %Not applicable
Monitoring criteria Status 1 Information about the status of the monitored item is available on the municipality's website and social network -
III. Citizen participation in decision-making related to the monitored item
50 %Yes
40 %Nо
10 %Not applicable
20 %Yes
70 %Nо
10 %Not applicable
50 %Yes
40 %Nо
10 %Not applicable
70 %Yes
30 %Nо
10 %Not applicable
30 %Yes
60 %Nо
10 %Not applicable
Monitoring criteria Status 1 The municipality has involved the citizens in decision-making related to the monitored item 4 Mechanisms utilized by the municipality to ensure citizen participation, specifically as related to the monitored item: 4.1 Public gatherings, debates and forums 4.2 Possibility for e-participation via mobile apps, website(s), electronic templates, etc. 4.3 Open days of the municipality 4.4 Citizen initiatives -