APP Study Visit to Zagreb, Republic of Croatia

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Participants from all three generations of the Academy for Public Policy (APP) will be part of the Study Visit to Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, during the period 7 – 12 May 2023.

Among others, the study visit will introduce the APP participants to different political and institutional modes of functioning of the political systems. Furthermore, apart from visiting numerous institutions and meeting with their counterparts in Croatia, the activity will contribute in strengthening the connections between the participants and further expand their knowledge and experience.

Some of the activities foreseen during the study visit are:

  • One-day Alumni Conference between the Academy for Public Policy (APP) and the Academy for Political Development – Croatia. During the conference the participants will have the opportunity to learn more about political participation, party politics and public policy development in South-East Europe, from current and former politicians, as well as exchange experience between the two Academies.
  • Visit to the President’s Office, where the participants will be hosted by H.E. Zoran Milanovich, the President of Republic of Croatia;
  • Visit to the Zagreb Mayor’s Office, where the participants will be hosted by Mr. Tomislav Tomashevich, Mayor of the city of Zagreb;
  • Visit to the Parliament of republic of Croatia;
  • Visit to the largest political parties, like HDZ, SDP, MOST, etc.;
  • Visits to some CSOs as well as cultural and historic sites in Zagreb.


from: 07-05-2023 08:00

to: 12-05-2023 21:00


Zagreb, Republic of Croatia

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