Episode #8: 60 Seconds with... Sergej Popov
Episode #7: 60 Seconds with... Ilija Blazhevski
Episode #6: 60 Seconds with... Dragana Bojkovska
Episode #5: 60 Seconds with... Julija Dimitrievska
Episode #4: 60 Seconds with... Herolind Sakipi
Episode #3: 60 Seconds with... Mjellma Ejupi
Episode #2: 60 Seconds With... Natalie Kitanoska
Episode #1: 60 seconds with... Todor Koneski
(MK) Кој е на потег? Последна епизода во првиот серијал #5
(MK) Кој е на потег? Четврта епизода #4
(MK) Кој е на потег? Нова епизода #3
(MK) Кој е на потег? #2
(MK) Кој е на потег? За киното во Радовиш и паркингот во Аеродром
Electoral promises in the Polog region: What was promised and how much was fulfilled?
Electoral promises in Southwest and Northeast region: What was promised and how much was fulfilled?
Electoral promises in the Southeast and Vardar region: What was promised and how much was fulfilled?
Electoral promises in the Eastern region: What was promised and how much was fulfilled?
Electoral promises in the Pelagonian Region: What was promised and how much was fulfilled?
Electoral promises in the Skopje Region: What was promised and how much was fulfilled?
Community Mobilisation in Tetovo
How to Launch Women into Political Leadership? - Bujare Abazi
Why is it Important for Women to be Involved in Politics? - Njomza Shaqiri
Why is it Important for Women to be Part of Politics? - Lolita Čigāne
Youth Leadership: Participation to Decision Making
Documentary film - Yll Morina
Results of conducted analyzes for youth
Is the promise for Foreign Direct Investments in Northern Macedonia fulfilled?
The digital road to better public administration
What youth activities are missing in your city?
What do you think, what opportunities would you have if a youth center were opened?
What do young people think about youth centers where they are not open yet?
Together for a better future
Initiative “Sharr-Our Natural Home”
Inter-ethnic integration and citizen involvement
Informative video for the initiative ,,Realize everything.Don't stay humble!''
Say no to gambling!
UNESCO on the palm of your hand
Documentary film "Reconstruction"
Trailer of the Documentary Film "Reconstruction"
Digital embassies for safer Macedonians abroad - informative video 2
Digital embassies for safer Macedonians abroad - informative video 1
Deficit studies in North Macedonia
Interactive socializing with people with disabilities
Panel discussion on topic: Digital embassies for safer Macedonians abroad
Innovative Initiatives
Open lists - My vote for my candidate
Proposed activities in the youth centers
Crisis Management Center - Kumanovo
Digital embassies for safer Macedonians abroad
Youth home - activities
Castle - The heart of the city
We paddle for gender equality!
Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination
The role of the Commission for Protection and Prevention of Discrimination
Lea Bosevska - Gender equal, sporty healthy
Jovana Pavlovska - Gender equal, sporty healthy
Diana Nedelkovska - Gender equal, sporty healthy
Anita Gocevska - Gender equal, sporty healthy
Solutions for young people in Strumica
The Aqueduct in Skopje
Inclusive Aerodrom for all
Youth for Digital European Youth Card
Subsidizing social contributions
Bitola SmartАppcity
Foreign Direct Investments in North Macedonia: Dream or Reality?
European Youth Card
Youth participation
What do the young people in Indzikovo need?
The oldest settlement has only one park and one gym, a fact that is disappointing for young people
Infrastructure, false promises and the small number of parks
Reduced education and technology is a major obstacle to socialization
The pollution that lasts for years and the night life that is almost non-existent for the young people from Gazi Baba
The poor nightlife in Gjorce Petrov and the destruction of greenery and the lack of parks
Discrimination as an obstacle for young people for their advancement in society
The municipality to organize more sports events
The biggest problem in one of the oldest settlements in Skopje is the fact that it is disappearing
Marija Pandova from Avtokomanda talks about the problems of the youth in the Municipality of Gazi Baba
What will we do with these resources?
Here is what we will do with the resources
The production of plastic bottles annually generates 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide
The plastic we throw away every year could orbit the planet 4 times
151 billion liters of oil
80 of the plastic bottles end up in landfills and oceans
Decomposition of a plastic bottle
Production of one plastic bottle
Foster Family = Fair Family
Employment Service Agency
Employment measures
(MK) „Инклузија на лицата со попреченост во политиката“ - Даниела Стојановска Џинковска
(MK) „Инклузија на лицата со попреченост во политиката“ - Борјана Златанова
(MK) „Инклузија на лицата со попреченост во политиката“ - Љубиша Савески
(MK) „Инклузија на лицата со попреченост во политиката“ - Бојана Младеновска
Challenges that young people face in online learning
Construction and opening of the school in Recica
(MK) Обука за видео продукција - Мобилизатори на заедницата
360 degrees season 7, show 41
(MK) Повик за учесници на академијата за јавни политики
(MK) Повик за втора генерација на Мобилизатори на заедницата
(MK) Можност за подмладоците на политичките партии - повик за иновативни иницијативи
Election Observation Guide 2020