First generation of the Academy for Public Policy

Party Youth

Every beginning has an end.

We are very happy to inform that the first generation of youth wings have successfully finished the 9 month process of the Academy for Public Policy.

This Academy was designed with three Modules in different times of the year.

The whole process started in December where political parties nominated their youth wings representative and for the first time we met with them in a three day training in February.

Global pandemic – Covid 19 was a challenge, we tried to adapted the second Module from meeting physically to virtual meet with webinars and virtual platforms.

There is nothing that can interchange the physical touch of the humanity, that’s why by respecting all the measures given by the government we decided to organize the third and last module in physical presence in September.

The aim of this entire Academy was to strengthen the capacities of political parties’ youth wings in developing and writing policy briefs together with action plans and in the same time to find a way how to incorporate this method in their political party programs.

Even thought the learning process of the Academy is over, now begins the period where all the received knowledge needs to be demonstrated by participants in the process of writing and implementing their innovative initiatives based on the developed policy brief.