Gender Representation in Macedonian Politics: A Round Table Recap

Strengthened Institutions Conduct Fair and Efficient Election Process, Public Events, Community Mobilizers

Yesterday, in Skopje was a roundtable event “Gender representation in elections and political processes in North Macedonia: lessons learned and recommendations for the parliamentary elections in 2024”. This pivotal event, organized by IFES and supported by the Swiss Government, highlighted the ongoing efforts to strengthen gender equality in the political sphere.

As the director of IFES in North Macedonia, Joana Cosma opened the event with structural introductory remarks. Her speech underscored the vital objectives of the comprehensive Report discussed at the forum

The event’s centerpiece was the presentation by Florence Ganou, an International Gender Consultant. Her detailed exposition of the Report and recommendations on strategies to enhance women’s political participation, was very inspirative particularly in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The round table featured a question-and-answer segment, fostering an environment of open dialogue and constructive discussions. The closing remarks pointed towards a hopeful and proactive future in the realm of gender representation in politics.

The event concluded with a networking session, providing a valuable opportunity for attendees to connect, share ideas, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations and initiatives.

Gender Representation in Macedonian Politics: A Round Table Recap