The third generation of young leaders of the Academy for Public Policy is actively tackling on social problems

Party Youth

Apart from regular and active participation on the four modules of the third Academy for Public Policy (APP) , the participants are engaged in individual extracurricular assignments aimed at developing their capacities for evidence-based policy development process, focussed on the citizen’s need. These activities will give the participants an opportunity to apply the gained knowledge and skills, in real life situations and through engagement with citizens.

One of these extracurricular activities of the APP is the development of policy memos by each participant. Namely, young leaders, attendees of the Academia, immediately after completion of the first module, have identified a challenge which they want to address by proposing policy solution(s).

So far following areas of concern in their municipalities/neighbourhoods: lack of parking space, lack of youth engagement (non-functional youth councils, centres), lack of public recreational space, not regulated public transport, deteriorated sewage system, not asphalted local roads, poor quality of drinking water, stray dogs, illegal dump sites, inaccessibility of public infrastructure for persons with disabilities, inefficient municipal services due to lack of digitalization.

Each of 29 participants will undertake engagement with community and affected stakeholders and jointly discuss the root-cause for the problem, proposed solution(s) and immediate action needed to be undertaken. The results of these discussions and engagements, as mentioned above, will be reflected into a policy memo.

As one participant said “I am very excited to be part of the Academy for Public Policy. It is the only Academy in the country that goes beyond classroom/workshop teaching! It helps me to “learn by doing” and guides us, party members, to be with our community, talk with most affected and propose solutions based on citizen’s needs”

We will keep you up to date on how our young leaders are progressing, Stay tuned!