Interactive: Through entrepreneurship training to youth employment

Uncategorized, Innovative Initiatives - Community mobilizers, Community Mobilizers, Workshops and trainings

Ten high school students from the municipality of Mogila were part of the entrepreneurship training organized by the Association for International Youth Cooperation “Interactive (Interaktiv)” – Bitola on 23 and 24 January this year in the Educational Center Edusfera – Bitola.

The participants learned about entrepreneurship, the possibilities of creating their businesses, and how to join the labor market. “These types of training help young people, and they are essential for people who come from rural areas where they have limited job opportunities. We need to organize more events about entrepreneurship and other areas,” says community mobilizer Martin Ristevski.

His colleague, the mobilizer Angela Ristevska, has a similar opinion. “We are delighted that we met young people attending a training for the first time. About 60 young people will be trained through this project, who after the training will have a clearer picture of how to find a job or start their own business,” said Ristevska.

According to the census data in 2021, there are 310 persons aged 14 to 19 years in the Municipality of Mogila, 285 persons aged 20 to 24 years, and 314 persons aged 25 to 29 years. Compared to the census data in 2002, the population of these categories in the municipality decreased from 19% to 41%, with the most significant decline among the youngest. This shows the migration trend of young people from that municipality due to little or no employment and self-employment opportunities, as well as not including young people in the programs for development and support of active measures for entrepreneurship or improvement of the work skills of young people.

In the coming period, the association “Interaktiv” will train young people to prepare their CVs and motivational letters and prepare for a job interviews.

The implementation of this training is made possible by the project Support to Electoral Reforms in North Macedonia of the Government of Switzerland, implemented by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), and the grants are administered by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC).