LAG Scardus: Young people should be active and vocal towards the institutions

Innovative Initiatives - Community mobilizers, Public Events, Community Mobilizers

The three most significant issues facing the citizens of the municipality of Jegunovce are infrastructure (29,0%), business and employment conditions (18,0%), and lighting in the municipality (17.7%). The three most significant issues facing young people are unemployment (33.7%), closed and non-transparent institutions (25,7%), and the lack of skills and knowledge needed for the labor market (22,7%). This was shown by the results of the research conducted by the Local Action Group LAG Skardus from the village of Jegunovce, which were presented on January 20 this year at a special public event held at the municipality’s premises.

A total of 20 participants from the settlements of Jegunovce, Sirichino, Podbredje, Jancishte, Zilce, Kopance, Raotince, Tudence, Preljubishte, Jazhince, Shemshovo, Tearce, and Tetovo discussed the perceptions of the respondents and personal attitudes and experiences related to the work of the local government. “The Municipality of Jegunovce and I, as Mayor, welcome the innovative initiative,” Mayor Dimitar Kostadinoski said in his address, adding that they are always open to cooperation and will initiate and encourage joint initiatives with the civil sector and the citizens of the municipality.

Part of the research focuses on the satisfaction of the first year of operation of the local government and the level of implementation of the Mayor’s program. Given that the project of LAG Skardus refers to the opening of a mini-industrial zone in Podbrege, one of the mayor’s promises, citizens were asked if they knew about it. Slightly more than a third (36,7%) said they had heard of the promise, of which almost half (49,1%) had no information about the status of the promise. In addition, the focus of the research was also the citizens’ views regarding how the opening of a mini-industrial zone would affect the employment of young people.

“We, as young people, have a chance and an obligation to become active and be a positive example for all the changes that occur in the local community, all problems shall be raised by us young people, and we shall be active and vocal towards the institutions,” said Karolina Maksimovska, a student. The survey results show that about one-third of young people were actively involved in local activities, and the reason for their inactivity is the lack of confidence that they can influence the decisions made by the local government.

The survey was conducted in November and December 2022 on a sample of 300 respondents from the municipality of Jegunovce. It should show the local government the citizens’ views regarding their work.
The implementation of this training is made possible by the project “Support to Electoral Reforms in North Macedonia” of the Government of Switzerland, implemented by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), and the grants are administered by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC).