How many of the youth are aware about the "Start up village" project?

Public Events, Community Mobilizers

Have you heard about the Government project about the transformation of the complex “Macedonian village” into “Start up village”?

The idea behind this project is to offer opportunity for many young people both from the country and outside to start up business, exempted from utility costs. The project is part of the bigger goal of the Government, the country to become regional accelerator for start ups, or a center for development of start ups for young entrepreneurs.

Our Community mobilizer, through the Innovative initiative will monitor the process of implementation of the project, and also raise awareness and inform the public about the overall idea but most importantly the value for implementation of this project.

The accomplishment of the Government, and the development of implementing the promise will be closely monitored by the Community Mobilizer Dime Micevski.

Below are briefly stated the results from the initial online poll conducted in the period December- January. The poll was filled in by 107 young people in the country and the aim was to explore how much the young people are aware of this promise and the project “Start up Village”.

48% of the respondents do NOT know that the project exists, or are NOT aware about this Government initiative

88% are NOT aware of the existence of the  Government program focused on the economic measures and the support for the young entrepreneurs

67% once informed, answered that they DO LIKE the idea and the project about the “Start up village”

9% said that they WOULD START a business as part of this opportunity, where majority or around 68% are dubious and have a lot of questions regarding the overall idea behind

Below is the original infographic prepared by Dime Micevski