Community Mobilizers – Webinars

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We are happy to announce that during the two previous Fridays we had our online Webinars with our Community Mobilizers.

In the two previous webinars Community Mobilizers had short review on the outputs of the first module and discussed about their homework and the e-learning plan and program. They were introduced to the e-learning platform – Moodle and together with their trainers they discussed about the deeper analyzes on how to find information about the monitoring phase, where should we search for them and what tools should we use to arrive to a concrete result.

Community Mobilizers also met their mentors who will help them during this monitoring process. In the following days, CM together with their mentors will elaborate a monitoring plan in one topic from these 4 areas: Economy and unemployment, Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups, Education and Health. With this plan they will monitor technical government’s activities and COVID-19 emergency measures in the upcoming period.

Even though we have moved the activities in an online form, our Community Mobilizers continue to work with motivation and positive energy.


from: 08-05-2020 17:00

to: 15-05-2020 19:00



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