Guerrilla action: Red card for illegal dumps in Shuto Orizari

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Within the innovative initiative “Red card for illegal dumps in Shuto Orizari” framework, the civil society organization Initiative for the Development and Inclusion of Communities IRIZ organizes a guerrilla action. The goal of the event is, through creative action, to raise the awareness of the local authorities about the need to clean up the illegal landfill that is found in the municipality itself and which represents a big problem for the healthy environment and healthy life of the citizens of the Shuto Orizari municipality.


from: 14-03-2023 12:00

to: 14-03-2023 14:00


Пред главен влез на Град Скопје / Para hyrjes kryesore të Qytetit të Shkupti / In front of the main entrance of the City of Skopje

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