Roundtable discussion: Gender Equality – Healthy sport

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Community mobilizer Martin Nikolovski invites you to participate in a round table
on the topic: ” Gender Equality – Healthy sport ” to present and jointly discuss the current situation in sports and the percentage of participation of women in the governing and supervisory bodies of sports federations.

The round table is organized at the national level and representatives of the Agency for Youth and Sports, local government, sports federations and associations as well as other citizens will be invited to it. The round table will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Monika Markovska.


11.30 – 12.00 Arrival and registration of participants
12.00 – 12.20 Welcome address and introduction to the event – Prof. Dr. Monika Markovska

12.20 – 12.40 Information on monitoring results – Martin Nikolovski, community mobilizer
12.40 – 13.00 Current situation, challenges and opportunities for gender equality in sports
Tatjana Blazevska, Agency for Youth and Sports
13.00 – 13: .20 Available and planned institutional support for sports in Bitola
Borce Korlevski, member of the Council of the Municipality of Bitola
13.20 – 13.45 The role of women in sports – Meri Kovacevska, President of the Association of
basketball premier leagues

13.45 – 14.00 Open discussion with the participants; – how to improve the situation for the inclusion of women in sports; as to greater gender equality in sport
14.00 – 14.15 Closing of the discussion
14.15 Cocktail


from: 13-08-2021 11:30

to: 13-08-2021 13:30


Hotel Premier


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