Gathering of citizens/public address to citizens “Young people have the right to their own space for sports and recreation”

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Within the initiative “Young people have the right to their own space for sports and recreation,” a public event will be organized, aiming to publicly address the citizens of Shuto Orizaro for the opening and commissioning of the built sports hall in the municipality of Shuto Orizaro. At the event, young citizens will present all the conclusions from the monitoring carried out in the past period and all the recommendations to the local authorities. After the event, the same findings and recommendations will be sent/delivered to the competent institutions.


from: 28-03-2023 12:00

to: 28-03-2023 14:00


улица Брсјачка Буна, пред Спортска сала, општина Шуто Оризари, Скопје / Rruga Brsjacka Buna, para Sallës sportive, komuna e Shuto Orizarës, Shkup / Brsjacka Buna Street, in front of the Sports Hall, the Municipality of Shuto Orizari, Skopje

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