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On 9th of February (Tuesday) at 19:00h, Grand restaurant Gostivar a  panel discussion will be held on the topic FOR/AGAINS Open lists! Three distinguished panelists will speak at the panel and will share their opinion on the lists for councilors in the light of the local elections:

  • Ditmire Shehu-  Vice President of the State Election Commission
  • Nizajete Selimi- Lawyer, High School Professor
  • Ana Risteska – Member of the Municipal Election Commission- Gostivar

Following their speeches, young people from different political parties will debate about whether the electoral model should be changed, or whether the list should be open or not. How the change will influence and whether this will contribute for greater responsibility and accountability by the councilors during their mandate.
This activity is part of the Innovative Initiative of Havushe Leskovica from DUI, “FOR and AGAINST Open Lists”.

The initiative aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of open lists. It will organize discussions with experts and voters to  discuss what would be the best model to be applied for open lists (from the other countries experience) and to what extend the citizens are ready to understand and accept open lists. The findings from the discussions will be consolidated and will be used by the party for the preparation of the strategy for voters’ outreach and education for local elections.



from: 09-02-2021 19:00

to: 09-02-2021 20:30


Grand Restaurant Gostivar


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