Subject: 40
”1) Government Program 2021-2024: Modern and efficient administration: more system, less bureaucracy – With the introduction of the Electronic System for Automation of Administrative Procedures EAP, each work task will be assigned to the employees clearly and precisely with the possibility to monitor its execution in real time, which in turn will increase the work related effectiveness and accountability, and
promotion and reward will be based on realistic indicators and contribution. The government plans to introduce an EAP system by the end of 2021, in at least 30% of the state administration bodies, and by the end of 2024 the system will be introduced in all state administration bodies. 2) Program for 2021: With the introduction of the Electronic System for Automation of Administrative Procedures (eSDP), each work task to the employees who carry out administrative procedures will be assigned clearly and precisely with the possibility to monitor its execution in real time.
The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia plans to introduce this system in at least 30% of the total number of state administration bodies by the end of 2021, and by the end of 2024 in all state administration bodies.”