An online conference was held on community mobilizers

Public Events, Community Mobilizers

An online conference was held on the zoom platform on the topic: “The work of community mobilizers in creating an accountable and transparent government.”
Joanna Kosma (IFES) addressed the audience at the beginning, expressing her satisfaction with the community mobilizers for the successfully completed program and concluding that their activities made a difference in the community. Express hope that this project can be further developed with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Marija Krstevska (NYCM), congratulated to the mobilizers from the first and second generation for their engagements, to all mentors and coordinators for the successfully completed program. At the same time, she encouraged the mobilizers to continue to be the correctors of the government and the harbinger of change and continue to remind the government of their promises, insisting on transparency.
Speakers at the panel discussion were: Elizabeta Markovska Spasenoska monitoring specialist (SMS consulting), Blagica Dimitrovska, president of Inclusive, Aleksandar Mitanoski and Ana Klesova, first generation mobilizers and Ardonit Ismaili and Martin Nikolovski, second generation mobilizers.

The online conference was organized within the project “Support to Electoral Reforms”, which is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), implemented by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and its partner – the National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM).

Elizabeta Markovska Spasenoska had a short presentation on the monitoring matrix. She explained the concept of monitoring, the work process of the local mobilizers, the monitoring activities conducted by the first generation 16 mobilizers and the second generation 24 mobilizers. From the first group of mobilizers, a total of 16 measures were monitored in 6 areas and from the second group of mobilizers, a total of 25 measures were monitored in 9 areas. She also gave a brief overview of the monitoring findings and the challenges faced by the mobilizers.

Blagica Dimitrovska spoke about the role of a mentor, and explained that mentors should be more accessible to mobilizers to teach them how to monitor the measures of the Government and how to deal with challenges during their work.

Aleksandar Mitanoski, the first generation of mobilizers, spoke about the measure he implemented in the field of social policy to increase the number of foster families.

Ardonit Ismaili of the second generation of mobilizers spoke about his challenges – of law proposal for part of Shar Mountain to become a national park (which entered into government procedure).

Ana Klesova (first generation) and Martin Nikolovski (second generation) shared experiences regarding the implementation of innovative initiatives and community mobilization. She followed measures in the field of justice or as stated in the Government’s program – a positive climate between the countries in the region. Her “Crossing Borders” initiative had a good impact on raising awareness.
Martin Nikolovski, this month ends with his innovative initiative “Gender Equality – Sports and Healthy” for introduction of gender equality in the management and supervisory boards of sports federations.
After the presentations, a discussion developed on the transparency of the institutions regarding the data and information of public character.