The results of monitoring conducted in the municipality of Aerodrom were presented.: Modernized schools with accessible elevators.

Innovative Initiatives - Community mobilizers, Community Mobilizers, Events

On May 11, 2023, ZEOOP Association, at the premises of the Alexander Macedonian Primary School in the Aerodrom Municipality, presented the results of monitoring the implementation of the pre-election promise made by the Mayor of Aerodrom Municipality: “Modernized schools with lifts for accessibility of persons with disabilities in every school.”

During the event, the attending school directors from the municipality, as well as representatives of the professional services, emphasized the need for a proactive approach to inclusion. Schools should be prepared in advance to provide all necessary conditions for the education of children with special needs who attend classes. The installation and use of lifts, apart for children with special needs, have added value since they can also serve the teaching staff and parents who need to use them.

According to the monitoring data of the election promise in the Aerodrom Municipality, investments have been made in the construction of such lifts in schools. For example, the Lazo Angelovski Primary School had MKD 4 million allocated from the budget for the installation of a lift, whereas the Georgija Pulevski School has a functional lift that was built with donations and support from parents and companies. Currently, the municipality has a prepared project for installing a lift in the Alexander Macedonian School.

The event was enriched with artistic handicrafts made by students with special needs from the Alexander Macedonian Primary School, as part of a creative workshop organized within the project.

More information about the project of the association ZEOOOP and the monitoring of the election promise can be obtained at: