Info Session on ‘Challenges after the declaration of a part of Sharr Mountain as a National Park’

Public Events, Community Mobilizers

To protect and promote natural beauty!

This is the cause for which our mobilizer Ardonit F Ismaili will strive to inform and raise awareness among citizens through the innovative initiative “Shar – Our Natural Home”.

For this purpose, an Info session was held yesterday on the topic “Challenges after the declaration of part of Shar Mountain as a National Park”.
Present were Hysen Xhemaili – Director of the Environment Directorate at the Ministry of Environment, Ljuljeta Ademi – naturalist and advisor to President Stevo Pendarovski for inclusion, Metin Muharemi – mentor and President of the Platform for Friends of Shar and Nedzhbedin Haliti – President of the NGO EcoNatura.